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From the previous verses, and now here, from the verses below, we get the impression that Zarathustra was aware of people who had drifted away from God, who, realizing they are in error, want to mend their ways. The Prophet is most concerned to bring around a change of heart. But he is also very forthright with those who cling to narrow religious perceptions and those who shamelessly espouse wrong and deceitful ways.
The Ahunavaity Gatha: Yasna 32, Verses 1 to 16
Unto Him doth pray those full of self knowledge,
unto Him pray the community and the fellowship,
even the Daevas* do so in the same spirit,
pray unto Ahura Mazda for supreme bliss;
but may we be Thy messengers,
to repel them that are Your lying foes!
*Daevas-beings who ally with the Iranian satan Anghra Mainyu, opposed to the Lord Wisdom-Ahura Mazda. (not to be confused with the Indian Devas-some scholars suggest that on account of a schism between the Iranians and Indians, both used these terms, Ahura (Asura, in India) and Devas with opposing meanings!)
Unto these Mazda Ahura,
infused with His Pure Mind,
through His Sovereign Power did reply,
"With resplendent Righteousness close to
Holy Devotion, we have chosen for you,
for your flourishing, may it all be yours!"
But O ye Daevas, evil ones,
ye are the off spring of falsity,
as also those who hold you in great reverence;
from Untruth and self arrogance
have sprung your cheating actions,
you are ill famed in all regions of the world!
Thus you have with your perversions confounded,
men who then do the worst,
these are beloved of Daevas;
they are far from Truth and Love,
far from the Wise Lord,
they have strayed from Righteousness.
Thus these liars do defraud man,
from Perfection and Immortality, (they are led far)
through false thoughts you,
O Daevas, ever the false spirit that leads astray,
with your words you deceive yourselves,
you have promised false victory to your lying followers!
These sinners hardened with false success,
these great offenders may receive fame,
but, O Ahura, that sees all,
is aware of their true worth through His Mind Supreme;
for truly, O Mazda, under Thy Rule,
surely Right shalt be honored when Thy Truth prevails!
Among these sinners,
they understand nothing about their end,
none know of the destruction of evil
by the flow of glowing metal*;
Thou, O Ahura, of such things,
Thou best knowest the final end, O Mazda!
*there is a fiery test of glowing metal, when poured over the righteous shall seem as
warm milk, but shall burn forever on the unrighteous person.
One such amongst sinners
was indeed Yima*, son of Vivanhant,
who in his desire to make mankind happy
gratified himself as a god falsely;
from all such may I be reckoned apart
at Thine Final Judgement, O Mazda!
(*Yima, an early king of the Iranians, was, at first a kind and just ruler. He built the enclosure for all creatures as per God's commandments, to withstand the great flood. Later, he got arrogant and believed himself immortal and fell from God's grace. Yima is the Indian Yama, god of death; but such parallels are many between the Indians and Iranians who once shared the Asian steppes and shared common tales.)
The False Teacher distorts the Scriptures false,
he indeed through his teaching distorts the plan of Life,
he removes from us the realization of Your Pure Self;
with these deeply felt feelings from my spirit,
O Mazda, I cry out to Thee,
and to the Spirit of Truth.
Such person assuredly destroys the Scriptures,
he condemns as an evil deed,
seeing this living creation with plain eyes;
he leads the good astray to untruth,
he thus poisons the spiritual world,
and hurls weapons towards the righteous.
These indeed corrupt the course of life,
they, with their false notions of grandeur,
regard the Corrupt
as great ladies and great lords;
they hinder the attainment of our goal,
O Mazda, they are unceasing in turning the mind. (of the righteous)
Through these false teachings,
they turn mortals away from doing good deeds,
for these Mazda has assured retribution;
they turn the good life by their deceitful speech,
placing wickedness above truth and right,
they are power hungry scramblers after the Lie!
What power these evil doers hope to win,
they dwell in the abode of the worst thoughts,
they wantonly destroy their own inner life;
straying away from the message of Thy Prophet,
they shall never see the vision of Truth!
To waylay him (the good folk) the evil doers,
and likewise the princes make great effort,
with their minds and energies since old;
they have approached the deceivers for help,
their intoxicating drinks waste their wisdom,
and desolate the living world.
These indeed are brought to naught,
these wicked karapans and kavis (priests and rulers)
no longer shall rule the righteous;
with Perfection and Immortality the righteous
will be carried over by these two,
into the realms of the Pure Mind!
The Best Abode is indeed the state of excellence,
it is the wise teaching for all to follow;
Thine power, O Mazda Ahura, shall restrain
those whose designs are menacing,
the followers of deceit shall be hindered
by my teachings to the devoted.
Zarathustra, Zoroaster to the Greeks, the great prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism, lived and preached amongst the Indo-European "Aryan" ancestors of Iranians, in a remote past, the first to reveal the existence of One God. To readers conditioned to visualizing God with human attitudes-an angry or wrathful God who visits destruction, or demands sacrifices,(Abraham tested, asked to sacrifice his son,)the Zoroastrian God is pristine pure, and human failings cannot be attributed to His nature.
The Zoroastrian credo is: "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds." The neighbouring religion to the East, Hinduism, tells you "think no evil, see no evil, do no evil," not a frontal ethical assertion when compared to "Good Thoughts......." Hinduism believes in renunciation and rejection of this world, by contrast a Zoroastrian is expected to lead a joyous life, raise a family, help the poor, look after God's creation, and fight evil from within the world!
Ahura Mazda, Lord Wisdom, is Highest Righteousness, Pure Mind-(wholly pure through His whole Being), Supreme Omnipotence, Bountiful Devotion, Perfection and Eternity. These seven attributes, a Great Heptad, are reverently called the Amesha Spentas, Eternal Bountiful Divine Beings, but form One Entity, Ahura Mazda, Lord Wisdom.
Ahura Mazda is so pristine pure, no human failings and negative qualities like anger revenge and punishment can be part of Him; thus Zarathustra's God is simply incapable of causing human suffering and pain.
All the pain and death, suffering and misery is the work of an opposing Force, Angra Mainyu, the Ignorant Mind, whose sole aim in creation is to wreck the good work of Ahura Mazda. On a parallel, is it not the ignorant who are mainly responsible for the ills of this world?
Besides, Ahura Mazda has set into motion Asa-Laws of Creation-that we see all around us. Massive earthquakes, for example, like the Haiti earthquake, can be said to be the natural ongoing work of Asa, God's Law for nature-creation, shifting earth plates a natural phenomena. However, if response from the world is seen to be lukewarm, earthquake victims and problems relating to such situation is not addressed, that would be said to be the handiwork of satan-Angra Mainyu-Ignorant Mind!
Every one of His creation, man included, is responsible for their actions and all natural consequences resulting from these.
Eventually, all evil will be utterly annihilated, and all of God's creation will attain perfection and become deathless. This is called Frashokereti - perfection of the world.
Readers may find this new, but Zoroastrianism does not accept converts, or believe in conversion, yet Zoroastrians are keen the world know about Zarathustra's message, for understanding the world around them, understanding the unique problem of pain, suffering and evil in the world, the choice of believing in good, doing things the right way. The consequences of choices made are solely the person's responsibility. Thus one can learn from the precepts of the religion, strive to be a better person, but without any formal acceptance of Zoroastrianism
a popular stylised picture of the Prophet.
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