[To those not very familiar with blogs, one word of advice. In blogs, the posts run in reverse order, the first post is actually placed at the bottom, (see the Archives on the left). It is necessary to point this because, as far as this blog is concerned, the contents will be better understood by reading the 'end' post first (which is the first/earliest post!), then the next post above the post read; please read in 'reverse' order.]
The Ahunavaity Gatha-Yasna 31: Verses 1 to 22
The preaching continues, with great emphasis on choice.
Taking heed of Thine two principles,
do we proclaim this message hitherto not revealed,
to those who are deluded by Evil,
who thereby corrupt the world of Truth;
doubtless, this is all best for those
who have offered up their hearts to Mazda!
Verily, it is not a clear choice,
the better path is not clear in sight,
thus I have come to you all,
as Teacher whom Ahura has chosen;
whom Mazda has sent to be amidst the two parties,(amidst the whole world)
so we may all live in accord with Righteousness.
(Zarathustra proclaims righteousness, and the right path, for all to follow, are goals not easy to visualize. Doubtless, good folk would follow right with all their hearts; but he is most concerned that those under delusion be also convinced to give up their ways, and all humanity live in accord with good.
In Zarathustra's message from Ahura Mazda, there is no bias towards the 'wicked,' as these surely can reject all that is bad and live harmoniously. He again declares he is the Teacher chosen by God to preach to all humanity.)
What Thou bestows through Thy Spirit and Fire,
the bliss through Righteous living promised to both parties;
and Thine Law is for the discerning wise,
O Mazda, declare this for our enlightenment,
from Thine own mouth, with words declare,
so that I will convert all the living!
If Righteousness is invoked,
together with Wisdom Lord of Lords,
together with Holy Devotion;
then through the Pure Mind shall I seek,
the Mighty Kingdom for ourselves,
through all these increases may we vanquish Untruth.
(above: look at his thoughts-vanquish untruth, not by 'destroying' these, but by increase in good thinking!)
That I may decide, reveal to me,
what through Righteousness thou hast ordained for me,
the better path for me to follow;
declare through Pure Mind that I may know,
and feel blessed for whatever good befalls me,
all these from Ahura Mazda, whether I receive (these) or not!
(To the reader who might be mystified by all the repeated stress on righteousness, wisdom, pure mind, the gap between the good and wicked folk, one must remember, where any repetition seems unnecessary , it's possible his listeners and disciples picked up everything Zarathustra said to various groups-thus some repetition.
But a closer look will show the subtle differences in his various verses. It might need to read verses more then once and then note the ever so subtle difference in what he is trying to convey.
It must also be remembered Zarathustra speaks from a time when writing for his people was not available, his utterances remained in dialect verbal form for several centuries before being committed to writing. Besides, he speaks to a world where, in all civilizations at that time, the upper class were deluded that, with their elaborate rituals and sacrifices, a heavenly afterlife was assured.
Against such heavy opposition, proclaiming a new unheard set of ideas, where righteousness, pure mentality and love, devotion and wisdom etc, are qualities that will enrich people, that total rejection of bad and evil is neccessary, you must imagine the great effort Zarathustra has to put in, to literary 'drill' these new ideas into people.
This is 1500 B.C. with people more concerned with finding pastures or new regions after a realisation this is a vast unexplored world, and fighting off invasions and local marauders. Not to count out false teachers and cheats bent on hoodwinking people with mindless rituals.
In this situation a prophet comes along, has to use very persuasive means (but fully non-violent) to tell people how to go about life the right way! Imagine, just the belief in One God, must have puzzled and confounded most people!)
[Readers are so conditioned to comprehending God as a shadow of our human attitudes-an angry and wrathful God, a God who wants to test you by asking for the impossible, like the Jewish Abraham asked to sacrifice his own son-that here, the Zoroastrian God, incapable of all these human frailties-He is simply Pure and totally devoid of any negative nature-will seem new to readers.]
Here is the same assurance from Zarathustra, with subtly different implication:
The best shall he, the wise person, gather,
who shall spread the Truth-
the Holy Word leads to Perfection
and to Immortality, the eternal good,
to the Kingdom of Mazda,
that through Love shalt increase in him!
Here again, in the verse below, Zarathustra stresses all this is new, for a mind that has remained 'stagnant' so far!:
Who through His Holy Word first proclaimed,
His Light shall reach through all heavenly lights,
He Himself is the Wise Creator of eternal law(!),
through which He upholds the pure minded;
that Light do Thou shine upon our spirit,
which, O Lord, has remained* the same this far.
*remained- meaning our spirit, ie our selves have not received such enlightenment before.
(from above string of thought continues below: 'since Thou wilt shine Your Light upon us,' then:)
Then I will comprehend Thee as the First
and ever, O Mazda, as the now forever* in my mind,
the Father of Love;
so that I might fully behold Thee in my eye,
as the true Creator of Righteousness,
the Judge Sovereign over the actions of all the living!
*now forever: the first, the present and future in all creation.
Thou art Holy Devotion,
Thine, too, is this creation of the living world,
through the wisdom of Thy Spirit, O Ahura Mazda;
for You have given the choice,
to seek the One who will shelter,
or, deluded, follow (the false protector)who offers none.
From these two, let one choose
for shelter, the good shepherd for oneself,
a Master who promotes Truth,
who promotes Good Will;
never, O Mazda, may the false deceiver
partake of the Holy Message, even though outwardly pious.
Since, O Mazda, Thou did create from the beginning,
Thou did create physical body and soul,
and power to think through Thine own Mind;
since Thou placed life in this encaged flesh,
You bestowed the power to decide and the words to use,
so make the choice through free will!
Thus, when each one lifts his voice,
whether one of false words or one of wise speech,
whether knowledgeable or ignorant,
with the heart or with the mind;
Holy Devotion stands with him
who asks with doubt of the two paths.
Now whether doubts are in the open,
or expressed secretly, O Mazda, Devotion (these)resolves;
or when for a petty misdeed
one is given the highest punishment,
all this discerning through Thy resplendent eye,
Thou never fail to observe with pure righteousness.
These do I ask of Thee, O Ahura,
how indeed has all this come to pass,
and how shall it be all in the future(?)
what silent yearnings are heard
in the Book of Life, of the righteous,
and what, O Mazda, how will the reckoning be made of the false ones?
I ask, O Mazda, what reckoning awaits him
who advances the power of the false ones,
of the evil doers, O Ahura?
who find no other goal in life,
but to separate the good Shepherd,
the loved ones, from others in the multitude.
This I ask, if any man indeed
of good judgement, yearns for Thy Kingdom
to dwell in the homes, the province, the nation,
who strives for the increase of Righteousness,
then, O Mazda Ahura, how wilt Thou receive him,
how does he deserve this, and through what deeds?
Which of the two paths the righteous ones
or the unrighteous chose as the better one?
let the enlightened reveal this to the wise (listener)
the ignorant will not lead us astray, never;
O Mazda Ahura, be Thou unto us,
one who leads us to realms of Pure Mind.
Let not anyone give to the False One,
to his words and to his teachings countenance,
because the homes and the towns,
the province and the country, does he hurl,
into torment and even into death;
so stand against these with your spiritual armour.
Who turns his ears to, and becomes righteous,
to his soul is revealed the knowledge of wisdom,
with his tongue, for all of the true doctrine,
does he reveal with eloquent words;
through Thy radiant Fire, O Mazda,
Thou wilt assign the destinies of the two sides.
Who follows the Righteous Teacher,
the Light shall be his abode evermore;
but long ages of darkness,
with dimmed light and words of woe,
the wicked shall indeed be lead to,
their own selves shall convey them there, through their own deeds!
For Zarathustra, the gift of heaven is not just a heavenly abode, but much more:
(Now) Mazda Ahura shall grant
Perfection and Immortality,
out of His abundance Righteousness also,
through His Self infuse Power of the Kingdom,
and Pure Mind through His desire to give (all this),
to one who is steadfast to Him in spirit and actions!
Clear are these teachings to those rich in wisdom,
and to him who realizes in his mind
such persons work with His Power,
and glorify Righteousness with word and deed,
such indeed, O Mazda Ahura, are on Thy side
the most potent helpers are these surely!
Zarathustra, Zoroaster to the Greeks, the great prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism, lived and preached amongst the Indo-European "Aryan" ancestors of Iranians, in a remote past, the first to reveal the existence of One God. To readers conditioned to visualizing God with human attitudes-an angry or wrathful God who visits destruction, or demands sacrifices,(Abraham tested, asked to sacrifice his son,)the Zoroastrian God is pristine pure, and human failings cannot be attributed to His nature.
The Zoroastrian credo is: "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds." The neighbouring religion to the East, Hinduism, tells you "think no evil, see no evil, do no evil," not a frontal ethical assertion when compared to "Good Thoughts......." Hinduism believes in renunciation and rejection of this world, by contrast a Zoroastrian is expected to lead a joyous life, raise a family, help the poor, look after God's creation, and fight evil from within the world!
Ahura Mazda, Lord Wisdom, is Highest Righteousness, Pure Mind-(wholly pure through His whole Being), Supreme Omnipotence, Bountiful Devotion, Perfection and Eternity. These seven attributes, a Great Heptad, are reverently called the Amesha Spentas, Eternal Bountiful Divine Beings, but form One Entity, Ahura Mazda, Lord Wisdom.
Ahura Mazda is so pristine pure, no human failings and negative qualities like anger revenge and punishment can be part of Him; thus Zarathustra's God is simply incapable of causing human suffering and pain.
All the pain and death, suffering and misery is the work of an opposing Force, Angra Mainyu, the Ignorant Mind, whose sole aim in creation is to wreck the good work of Ahura Mazda. On a parallel, is it not the ignorant who are mainly responsible for the ills of this world?
Besides, Ahura Mazda has set into motion Asa-Laws of Creation-that we see all around us. Massive earthquakes, for example, like the Haiti earthquake, can be said to be the natural ongoing work of Asa, God's Law for nature-creation, shifting earth plates a natural phenomena. However, if response from the world is seen to be lukewarm, earthquake victims and problems relating to such situation is not addressed, that would be said to be the handiwork of satan-Angra Mainyu-Ignorant Mind!
Every one of His creation, man included, is responsible for their actions and all natural consequences resulting from these.
Eventually, all evil will be utterly annihilated, and all of God's creation will attain perfection and become deathless. This is called Frashokereti - perfection of the world.
Readers may find this new, but Zoroastrianism does not accept converts, or believe in conversion, yet Zoroastrians are keen the world know about Zarathustra's message, for understanding the world around them, understanding the unique problem of pain, suffering and evil in the world, the choice of believing in good, doing things the right way. The consequences of choices made are solely the person's responsibility. Thus one can learn from the precepts of the religion, strive to be a better person, but without any formal acceptance of Zoroastrianism
a popular stylised picture of the Prophet.
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